Without Gym Access
Upper body: **if no access to weights**
Push ups: 5 x 12-15
Wide Push ups: 3 X 8
Close Push ups or Diamond Push ups: 3 X 6
Inclined Push ups: **using a kitchen counter or something like that** 5 X 20
Triceps: Seated dips: 4 X max
Abs: 3 x 30 seconds crunches, 3 x 30 seconds bicycle, 3 x 30 second toe reaches, 3 x 30 seconds ankle touches
Lower Back/Core: 3 x 10 unweighted Good Mornings, 3 x 30 seconds PLANKS, 3 x 20 seconds Super-Woman, 3 X 30 seconds Mountain Climbers
Lower Body: **If no access to weights**
Body Squats: 5 x 20
Lunges: 3 X 20 each leg
Jump Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg
Jump Squats: 3 x 10
Upper body: **if no access to weights**
Push ups: 5 x 12-15
Wide Push ups: 3 X 8
Close Push ups or Diamond Push ups: 3 X 6
Inclined Push ups: **using a kitchen counter or something like that** 5 X 20
Triceps: Seated dips: 4 X max
Abs: 3 x 30 seconds crunches, 3 x 30 seconds bicycle, 3 x 30 second toe reaches, 3 x 30 seconds ankle touches
Lower Back/Core: 3 x 10 unweighted Good Mornings, 3 x 30 seconds PLANKS, 3 x 20 seconds Super-Woman, 3 X 30 seconds Mountain Climbers
Lower Body: **If no access to weights**
Body Squats: 5 x 20
Lunges: 3 X 20 each leg
Jump Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg
Jump Squats: 3 x 10
With Gym Access
Upper body:
Bench: 3 x 8 at med-light wt
Incline bench: 3 x 6 med/lt wt
Bicep curls: 3 x12 each arm
Tricep press: 3 x 12
Inverted rows: 3 x 8
Lat Pulls: 3 x 10
Lawnmower pulls: 3 x 8 med/hvy wt
Lateral raises (shoulders) 3 x 10 med/lt wt
Verticle shoulder raises: 3 x 10 med/lt wt
Lower Body:
Squats: 3 x 5 med wt
front squat: 3 x 4 med/lt wt
weighted lunges: 3 x 6 each leg med/lt wt
calf raises: 3 x 30 seconds all 3 directions--straight, toes in, toes out
unweighted bridges: 3 x 12 seconds--kids without gym membership should do these too
partner ham curls**if partner available** 3 x 8
Cleans: 3 x 5 at med/lt wt
hang cleans: 3 x 5 at med/lt wt
hang clean and jerk: 3 x 4 lt wt
Deadlift: 3 x 5 med/hvy wt
Abs---same as other email
Cardio: (both groups) 10- 10 yard sprints, 5 20 yard sprints, 5 40 yard sprints
1/2 mile jog, 1 mile jog. Do sprint work on upper body and core days, do distance on leg days.
Upper body:
Bench: 3 x 8 at med-light wt
Incline bench: 3 x 6 med/lt wt
Bicep curls: 3 x12 each arm
Tricep press: 3 x 12
Inverted rows: 3 x 8
Lat Pulls: 3 x 10
Lawnmower pulls: 3 x 8 med/hvy wt
Lateral raises (shoulders) 3 x 10 med/lt wt
Verticle shoulder raises: 3 x 10 med/lt wt
Lower Body:
Squats: 3 x 5 med wt
front squat: 3 x 4 med/lt wt
weighted lunges: 3 x 6 each leg med/lt wt
calf raises: 3 x 30 seconds all 3 directions--straight, toes in, toes out
unweighted bridges: 3 x 12 seconds--kids without gym membership should do these too
partner ham curls**if partner available** 3 x 8
Cleans: 3 x 5 at med/lt wt
hang cleans: 3 x 5 at med/lt wt
hang clean and jerk: 3 x 4 lt wt
Deadlift: 3 x 5 med/hvy wt
Abs---same as other email
Cardio: (both groups) 10- 10 yard sprints, 5 20 yard sprints, 5 40 yard sprints
1/2 mile jog, 1 mile jog. Do sprint work on upper body and core days, do distance on leg days.